Top 10 Famous Lawyers in India

See, the law is the same for everybody in India, but how you represent your case in the court can be a huge deciding factor in whether or not you’ll seek justice. That’s when you realize the importance of lawyers, and how they can do wonders for your case. In India, there is no shortage of skilled and experienced lawyers, but out of those thousands, there are a few that stand out the most. Today, we are about to talk about just that because this post is dedicated to the top 10 most renowned and popular lawyers in India as of 2024. Alright, here we go now.

1. Mukul Rohatgi

Mukul Rohatgi

First on the list is for sure the alumnus of Government Law College, Mumbai, and yes we are talking about Mr. Mukul Rohatgi. That was in the early 80s when he was new to the legal fraternity, but very soon, his sharp legal mind and capacity to handle complex cases made him known and prominent in the country. He has also served as India’s Attorney General from June 2014 to June 2017. Under this appointment, Rohatgi is remembered for his handling of cases including Section 377 and the privacy challenges to Aadhaar.

2. Abhishek Manu Singhvi

Abhishek Manu Singhvi

Abhishek Manu Singhvi is a top-class lawyer and politician with a Ph.D. in law from the University of Cambridge. As a senior advocate in the Indian National Congress and a former spokesperson in Rajya Sabha, he has been engaged in the most high-profile legal fights, most of which have concerned freedom of speech and privacy. His legal acumen came to light in the Sahara India and Singur land acquisition cases. Besides the legal luminary, Abhishek Manu Singhvi is also a writer with over half a dozen works to his credit on legal themes and he is one of the highest-paid lawyers in the country as well.

3. Harish Salve

Harish Salve

Known for his strategic legal moves, Harish Salve is an expert in constitutional, commercial, and taxation law. Having graduated in law from Nagpur University and being trained under Nani Palkhivala, he has a reputation for being one of the best around. He was the solicitor general between 1999 and 2002, and in his brief term, he argued, principally, critical cases like the Vodafone Tax case, and more recently, he represented India before The Hague in the Kulbhushan Jadhav case. To fight a case, Salve charges from Rs. 6 lakhs to Rs. 9 lakhs per appearance, which makes his drafting charges equally big due to his reputation as a top-class lawyer.

4. K. K. Venugopal

K. K. Venugopal

The former Attorney General of India, K. K. Venugopal, is an influential figure in Indian constitutional law and has been practicing for over six decades now. He actually started under his father, M. K. Nambiar, and led arguments in the Supreme Court in some of the important cases that have set key legal precedents and constitutional interpretations. Among his many works, he defended the validity of Aadhaar. All in all, K. K. Venugopal, known for his integrity and great legal knowledge, remains a huge intellectual luminary and a respected figure in the judiciary.

5. Indira Jaising

Indira Jaising

Ms. Indira Jaising is one of the foremost lawyer names within the legal and human rights landscape of India. Appointed in 1986, she became the first woman Senior Advocate of the Bombay High Court, where she has since worked on the frontline of human rights and gender equality. She personally pleaded landmark cases such as the one which resulted in the application of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005. And how can we even forget her contribution through her work in the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women? That’s what she is known for the most.

6. Arvind Datar

Arvind Datar

Arvind Datar is a senior advocate in the field of taxation and constitutional law in the country. A product of Matchless Law College and a Chartered Accountant, he is known for in-depth analysis with regard to matters of taxation and corporate law. Also an author, his book, “Guide to Central Excise Law and Practice” enjoys respect and is quoted pretty often. His ability to lay down the complexities of any case in the simplest words possible has earned him huge respect in both: the Supreme Court and high courts spread all over the country. Arvind Datar is always engaged in all high-profile cases, including the National Judicial Appointments Commission and the Vodafone tax dispute”.

7. Gopal Subramanium

Gopal Subramanium

An alumnus of the University of Delhi, he quickly made his presence felt under experts of the legal scene such as Soli Sorabjee and Fali S. Nariman. Known for his arguments in major cases like the Vodafone tax case and the 2G spectrum case, Subramanium is also known for his efforts, due to which privacy is now a fundamental right in India. Specializing in constitutional law and international arbitration, he always remains committed to legal education and social justice, as we see through his scholarships at Oxford.

8. P. Chidambaram

P. Chidambaram

Chidambaram is one of the senior advocates and distinguished political personalities, whose core skills revolve around economics and constitution. Chidambaram is an educated alumnus of Madras Law College and Harvard Business School, besides having held other responsible positions, including the ones of Finance Minister and Home Minister for India’s government. His expertise is clear with his stature in that he has dealt with several significant cases related to economic policy and financial regulations.

9. Salman Khurshid

Salman Khurshid

Salman Khurshid is an experienced lawyer and a former politician making large contributions to human rights, and a legislator in the field of constitutional law. He was a former student at St. Stephen’s College and Oxford University and had been a Minister of External Affairs and Minister of Law and Justice. He was at the forefront of defense for crucial laws like the Right to Education Act, and Khurshid did his bid in support of the human rights litigations too.

10. K.T.S. Tulsi

K.T.S. Tulsi

K.T.S. Tulsi is a well-known senior advocate in the country, with a specialization in criminal and constitutional law. A student of Punjab University and an ex-Additional Solicitor General of India, he has represented high-profile clients and has added to the development of legal jurisprudence within the borders of India. That’s the very reason he deserves a spot on this list.


All in all, it is not just one thing that makes these lawyers super popular in India’s legal scene, nah, instead there is a balanced combination of cases they have worked on, experience and of course, their expertise.

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