“Golmaal Jr.” is an Indian animated television series that brings the humor and antics of the popular “Golmaal” film franchise to the small screen. Premiering on Nickelodeon Sonic on May 13, 2019, the show has captivated young audiences with its engaging storylines and vibrant characters.
Golmaal Jr. Cartoon Main Characters
1. Gopal Kumar Santoshi (Gopu):
Gopal, affectionately known as Gopu, is a 14-year-old boy who is well-built, bold, confident, and strong. He enjoys picking fights and irritating Madhav, knowing that Madhav wants to be ahead of him in everything. Despite his tough exterior, Gopal has a couple of quirks: he is afraid of the dark, and when someone points their index finger at him, he goes into a trance and must twirl around to snap out of it. Laxman 1 is part of his team. Gopal loves sports and embraces challenges.
2. Madhav Singh Ghai:
Madhav is also a 14-year-old boy who is a prank master and the son of Captain Gajodhar and Munmun. He considers Gopal his rival and strives to be ahead of him in everything, even if it means resorting to unfair means. Despite his rivalry with Gopal, Madhav secretly admires him. He is smart and quick-witted, often devising clever plans to help his team. Laxman 2 and Lucky are part of his gang.
3. Lucky:
Lucky is a 12-year-old member of Madhav’s team. He is short, chubby, and always seen with a lollipop. Although he doesn’t speak, communicating through gestures and sounds understood only by Madhav and Laxman 2, Lucky is intelligent and often comes up with innovative ideas that prove invaluable to the team.
4. Laxman 1:
A 13-year-old member of Gopal’s team, Laxman 1 deeply admires Gopal and supports him in overcoming his fear of the dark. Despite being nervous, he excels in technology and languages, although his anxiety sometimes affects his academic performance. He wears a yellow shirt and glasses and often clashes with Laxman 2 from Madhav’s team.
5. Laxman 2:
Also 13 years old, Laxman 2 is a key member of Madhav’s team. He enjoys teasing Laxman 1 and often predicts failure, leading to tears and negative comments. However, his remarks unintentionally provide clues to solve problems. Laxman 2 is always by Madhav’s side, and despite his chronic cold, he remains loyal and supportive. When he’s angry, his left eye winks uncontrollably
Golmaal Jr. Cartoon Supporting Characters
1. Vasooli Bhai: Vasooli, or Vasooli Bhai, is a 19½-year-old who starts various businesses but struggles to collect money from kids. He appears tough but is actually soft-hearted and not very smart. He is considered useless by Patwardhan Sir and Pappi, who see him as an enemy.
2. Milli: Milli is a 14½-year-old classmate whom both Gopal and Madhav like. They try to impress her, but she thinks they’re not cool. Milli usually finds Lucky impressive, but sometimes Gopal and Madhav catch her attention.
The show centers on the adventures of Gopal and Madhav, two mischievous rivals with their own partners, who encourage their gangs to play pranks on each other, often resulting in fun, drama, and chaos. Their school peon, Pappi, always tries to find proof and bust the five of them in front of the school principal, Mr. Patwardhan, but fails every time, often getting into trouble himself.