Top 5 High Literacy Rate States in India

The literacy rate in India has been kind of a big issue for the last few decades or so. But why’s that? Well, as you may already know, India is marching ahead in the growth race globally, and that’s only possible if we achieve the highest literacy rate across India. It’s a hard truth though, there is a huge disparity between high and low literacy rates in states and regions in the country. But let’s lighten up your mood and talk about the top 5 high literacy rate states in India as of 2024. So, let’s see what these top 5 most educated states have to offer in terms of high literacy, shall we?

High Literacy Rate

1. Kerala – 96.2% Literacy Rate

Often referred to as “God’s Own Country,” Kerala, located on the Malabar Coast of India, ranks at the top for literacy levels. The latest figures put Kerala’s literacy rate at 96.2%. What stands out is the close match between the men’s (97.4%) and the women’s education levels (95.2%). Kerala has a population exceeding 33.4 million people, it’s known to have a natural beauty base surrounding it. This includes backwaters, green mountains, and a long coastline. The education system takes many forms so as to reach the furthest, therefore ensuring that everybody has access to education.

2. Mizoram – 91.58% Literacy Rate

On the 2nd spot on our list is Mizoram, a beautiful state of Northeast India, where literacy reaches up to a high of 91.58%. About 1.2 million people live in the state, and almost similar education is depicted through the ratios of males and females in the state. Education in Mizoram is more of a community affair since the churches play a major role in it. Apart from this, the education-oriented minds, Mizoram is also packed with rich culture, colorful festivals, and a moving economy from farming to horticulture and bamboo products.

3. Tripura – 87.75% Literacy Rate

Tripura, another state in the northeastern direction of the nation, holds an 87.75% literacy rate and is at par with the third rank in the country. Home to nearly four million inhabitants, this is a place where you find the melting of culture and languages under the shelter of one roof. Herein, education is for all, and not much discrimination occurs; due to that, the literacy rate among males and females doesn’t differ much, either. Tripura makes a big effort to set up an educational system in which every section of society has to be included. The land is not just a place of schools though, the affluence is held in historical, tribal traditional, and natural beauty too.

4. Uttarakhand – 87.6% Literacy Rate

In the north of India, which is known as Dev Bhoomi, and for its holy places, is Uttarakhand. The Uttarakhand literacy rate is number four in this ranking and it is above 87.6%. Education in this state is pretty good and accessible to all, giving a lot of exposure to the majority of the people in reading and writing. However, gender literacy has a slight difference in the percentage of males (88.33%) and females (70.70%). This proves how really Uttarakhand is working hard to see that boys and girls are brought on board on an equal level when it comes to education.

5. Goa – 87.4% Literacy Rate

Goa is one of India’s smallest states, famous for its exotic beaches and a beautiful spot for tourists. Besides, Goa has one of the highest literacy rates in India sitting pretty at 87.4%, which ranks fifth among all the states in India. The total population of Goa is approximately 1.5 million. There are lots of kids who attend schools there, basically, the schools are really good. A lot of money is spent on schools to make them better. This high literacy rate has enabled Goa to be one of the wealthiest states in India.


Q1. What does literacy rate mean?

Ans: Simply put, it’s the percentage of people who can read and write in a specific age group.

Q2. Which state has the lowest literacy rate in India?

Ans: It is, in fact, Andhra Pradesh with 66.4% according to the latest data and reports. Yes, Bihar was previously considered the least literate state in India, but now the situation has shifted significantly.

Q3. What are the factors causing the low literacy rate in India?

Ans: The reasons include economic imbalance, gender discrimination, casteism, and the absence of modern technology.

Q4. How is literacy determined in India?

Ans: This involves taking the number of literate individuals within a certain age group, dividing this by the total number of people in that group, and then multiplying by 100. That’s how you get the literacy rate.

Q5. Which city has the lowest literacy rate in India?

Ans: Alirajpur in Madhya Pradesh has the lowest.

Q6. What is female literacy in India?

Ans: Back in 2010, 80.35% of women could read and write, and this number has been on the rise. By 2021, it had increased to 91.95%, marking a positive growth of 14.4% from 2010.

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