“Little Singham” is a popular Indian animated action television series that has captivated young audiences since its premiere on April 21, 2018. Produced by Rohit Shetty Picturez in collaboration with Discovery Kids and Reliance Animation, the show is inspired by the Bollywood film “Singham” and follows the adventures of a young super cop named Little Singham as he protects his hometown, Mirchi Nagar, from various threats.
Little Singham Cartoon Main Characters
1. Little Singham (Ajay):
The protagonist of the series, Little Singham, is a courageous and energetic young boy who serves as the protector of Mirchi Nagar. Clad in a khaki police uniform and black sunglasses, he possesses superhuman strength and agility. His lion-shaped tattoo glows whenever someone is in trouble, signaling him to spring into action. His catchphrases include “Aata Majhi Satakli!” (I’m going crazy!) and “Police ki Vardi sher ka dum, Naam hai mera – Little Singham!” (Police uniform and the strength of a lion, my name is Little Singham!).
2. Chikki:
Chikki is Little Singham’s loyal pet monkey and sidekick. Fond of bananas, Chikki wears a green shirt with a banana emblem. Despite speaking in monkey sounds, he is understood perfectly by Little Singham and assists him in apprehending minor criminals.
3. Hawaldar Karate:
Serving as Little Singham’s sergeant and close ally, Hawaldar Karate is known for his love of bhelpuri. His catchphrases include “Lathi Maar Ke” and “Bacha Le Re Little Singham!” He respectfully addresses Little Singham as ‘Saheb’ (Sir) and Inspector Kavya as ‘Kavya Madam’.
4. Inspector Kavya:
Inspector Kavya is a dedicated police officer in Mirchi Nagar and a trusted colleague of Little Singham. She shares a strong friendship with Hawaldar Karate and plays a pivotal role in maintaining law and order in the city.
5. Lattu:
Lattu is Little Singham’s enthusiastic assistant and admirer. A Gujarati boy with a penchant for dhokla and khakra, he excels academically but struggles with English. Unaware of Ajay’s secret identity as Little Singham, Lattu remains a loyal friend and is always eager to help.
6. Babli:
The intelligent daughter of Professor Avishkar, Babli is a bright young girl and a close friend of Ajay. Often seen wearing rectangular glasses and a blue dress, she is always prepared for surprise tests and shares a strong bond with Little Singham.
7. Professor Avishkar:
A senior scientist and father of Babli, Professor Avishkar develops innovative gadgets for Little Singham and his team, aiding them in their missions to protect Mirchi Nagar.
8. Mantriji (Prime Minister):
Mantriji is the Prime Minister of Mirchi Nagar, characterized by his light blue shirt, blue shoes, and spectacles. He often mixes Hindi with English phrases and plays a role in the governance of the city.
1. Rocky Cheetah: Once an ordinary man, Rocky was transformed into a half-cheetah, half-human villain after an encounter with Khatarnak Khatri. As one of Little Singham’s main adversaries, he uses his enhanced speed and agility to challenge the young super cop.
2. Khatarnak Khatri: A mad scientist known for his nefarious experiments, Khatarnak Khatri creates various mutants and monsters to wreak havoc in Mirchi Nagar, posing significant threats to Little Singham and his team.
3. Junglee Joker: A villain who despises children’s happiness, Junglee Joker employs advanced gadgets and a team of robots to execute his evil plans, often clashing with Little Singham in his attempts to spread misery.
“Little Singham” offers a rich tapestry of characters, each contributing to the dynamic narrative of courage and heroism. From the fearless Little Singham and his loyal companions to the cunning villains they confront, the series presents a world where good triumphs over evil, providing both entertainment and life lessons for its viewers.