The Akashic Reader: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe

Introduction to Akashic Records

The Akashic Records have often been the focal point of the minds of spiritual seekers for more than many centuries. Theoretical descriptions liken it to a cosmic library or universal database where everything of the past is believed to have been imprinted. The great information contained in the Akashic record is considered to be the history, experiences, and knowledge of the people in relation to the universal configurations. The knowledge that can be abstracted for insight into the past, present, and possible future is considered a huge, powerful source for personal growth and healing.

What Are Akashic Records?

The word “Akashic” originates from the Sanskrit name “Akasha,” meaning ether, sky, or space. The Akashic Records are asserted to exist on a non-physical, supra-physical subtle plane of existence—beyond the frequently achieved cross-over planes within the human perceptions of regular senses or beyond the usual terms of time and space. They are not stored at any physical location but are imprinted into the etheric or energetic fabric of the universe.

In spiritual traditions it is said that the Akashic Records contain all the information and experience; that is, all thoughts, actions, emotions of each soul, and even detailed descriptions. This form of vibrational information is available, and therefore, those who have developed the capability to tune into higher frequencies are automatically able to tap into this information.


The Role of an Akashic Reader

The Akashic Reader is recognized to be a trained cadre, sensibly sensitized in skills to read and interpret what lies in the Akashic Records. These readers interpret information and act as intermediaries for individuals to explore their life paths, resolve karmic issues, and better understand their soul purposes.

Then, there are meditation, prayer, and guided visualization techniques. At the time they access the Akashic Records, most Akashic Readers are working in either a higher awareness level or an altered state of consciousness available to accomplish their intention of “connecting” with the dimensions in which the records are stored.

How Akashic Reading Works

Preparation and Setting the Intention

The preparation of an Akashic reading starts with intentions. The akashic reader and client collaboratively prepare the intention of the session or the intention of the list of questions behind each issue.

Entering the Records

In the event that anything has been done intentionally, the Reader goes through a meditative or trance state to reach the Akashic Records. This may be by some sacred prayer or mantra recitation that opens the records to gain access to the information needed.

Cognition: Receiving and Interpret

The records respond as the reader identifies with them through pictures, sounds, feelings or any other ways information is passed, and the reader then gains interpretation to these responses by communicating to the client and guiding him through the insights and answers input from the client.

Benefits of Akashic Reading

Some of these benefits include the following:

  1. Self-Discovery: Akashic records allow an individual to have a deeper insight into their own personality, strengths, and weaknesses. This self-awareness can lead to greater self-acceptance and personal growth.
  2. Healing: It is sometimes seen that such records manifest an individual’s unresolved issues, past traumas, and patterns of karmic cycles which manifest now. Bringing these to light can heal and release them, thus promoting emotional and spiritual well-being.
  3. Guidance in life’s various challenges: You can create sound decisions and be in alignment with what your soul has purposed. This will assist you in making clear the issues regarding relationships, career paths, and even big variations in life.
  4. Empowerment: The Akashic Records are very empowering in people’s lives. By having an understanding of the journey of one’s soul, one can make conscious choices to align their life with the highest possible, hence living the most fulfilling life.

Akashic Reading in Modern Times

Generally, Akashic reading has turned out to be the basis of guidance and support that most laymen are looking for in this current fast, sometimes pressuring world. An ancient practice finds its place in today’s modern spirituality, giving a new idea regarding psycho-spiritual development and healing.

Technology and Akashic Reading

With the advent of technology, Akashic reading has become more accessible than ever. Many readers offer remote sessions via phone or video call, allowing clients to receive readings from the comfort of their own homes. Online courses and workshops are also available, providing opportunities for individuals to learn how to access the Akashic Records themselves.

Integrating Akashic Reading with Other Modalities

Akashic reading can be integrated with other healing modalities to enhance its effectiveness. Many practitioners combine Akashic reading with Reiki, crystal healing, and other energy therapies to provide a holistic approach to healing and transformation.

Training and Becoming an Akashic Reader

There are a few ways interested individuals can work to become an Akashic Reader. There are training programs and certification courses where interested individuals can learn what abilities and knowledge are required to learn the information found in the Akashic Records – how to gain access to and interpret their information. Any such programs usually involve matters of learning meditation techniques, intuitive development, and how to create an ethical guideline for conducting readings.

Many seasoned Readers have mentorship sessions and offer personal advice on how best to develop skills to would-be readers. Books, websites, workshops can also go as great sources of information for any one who would like to delve the Akashic Records.

The Impact of Akashic Reading on Personal Development

Personal development is greatly affected by Akashic reading, as though showing insight into personal spiritual development, one could understand a great deal of one’s purpose, the purpose of life, and the lessons that should have been learned. This realization would bring self-awareness, emotional healing, and growth in the person’s spirit.


The Akashic Records hold the key to understanding the mysteries of the soul and the universe. Through the guidance of skilled  Readers like Sheela M Bajaj, individuals can unlock the secrets of their past, gain insights into their present, and chart a course for their future. By accessing this vast repository of knowledge, we can heal, grow, and align with our highest potential, creating a life of purpose and fulfillment. Whether you are seeking answers to life’s big questions or looking to deepen your spiritual practice, Akashic reading offers a powerful and transformative tool for personal and spiritual development.

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